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Download Headset Button Controller Free APK

    Turn the button on a wired headset into a remote control for your music player - and much more!
Headset Button Controller is very configurable, allowing you to play music, change tracks, adjust volume, answer phone calls, start Voice Command and many other things, just by clicking the button on your headset.

Headset Button Controller

                         Headset Button Controller is delivered with an effective default design, however you can change very nearly every activity performed. When you have arranged it with your inclination, it runs out of sight utilizing very nearly no CPU. It has been tried with a wide assortment of diverse Android gadgets and music applications and works with both single-catch headsets, and Android-particular 3-catch headsets.

Default setup for single-catch headsets (focus catch for 3-catch headsets):

* Single press: play/ stop (+ response call/ end call)
* Double press: next track (+ decrease call/ quiet amplifier)
* Triple press: past track
* Quadruple press: past track (2x)
* Long press: Volume control [2]
* Press and hold: Fast send [3]
* Double press and hold: Rewind [3]
* Triple press and hold: debilitated


The majority of the above choices are configurable to any of the accompanying:

* Stop
* Play/ stop
* Next track
* Previous track
* Previous track (2x)
* Mute/ unmute
* Voice charge
* Voice look
* Redial last number
* Say current time (Text-To-Speech needed)
* Launch application
* Launch alternate way
* Tasker undertaking [1]
* Switch profile

Moreover the long press alternatives are configurable to any of the accompanying:

* Volume control [2]
* Rewind [3]
* Fast send [3]

[1] Requires the application "Tasker"
[2] While the catch is held down, the volume is at first reset to as far as possible (see beneath) and afterward raised until the catch is discharged
[3] Not every music player application helps rewind/ quick send

With a 3-catch headset, volume control is additionally configurable with the left and right headset catches.

Music application choice 

Headset Button Controller controls the as of now running music application. You are likewise equipped to unequivocally detail which introduced music application you need to control.

Volume control characteristics 

Headset Button Controller recalls the music volume when the earphone is unplugged and can restore it when the earphone is connected to once more.

* Min volume point of confinement: Start volume level of the 'volume control' summon
* Max volume point of confinement: Ensures that the headset music volume never surpasses this cutoff

Call characteristics 

You are additionally fit to control calls with the headset catch:

* response call/ end approach single press (configurable)
* decay call/ quiet amplifier on twofold press (configurable)
* change volume amid a call (see volume control)
* proclaim guest name (Text-To-Speech needed)

You can additionally arrange Headset Button Controller to consequently address an approaching call after a configurable deferral.

Headset connect to/ out 

You can design an activity to be performed when the headset gets connected to/ out.


You can make diverse 'arrangement profiles' which you can switch between. Include a gadget or an alternate way to your home screen to effortlessly change your profile. It is additionally conceivable to switch profile from the "Tasker" or "Region" application (Locale module). All settings might be moved down on SD card.

Play Store Link - Headset Button Controller


  • Android 2.1+
  • Size of APK file is 700 KB.